Looking for a REAL Small rabbit!? and not get cheated by places that sell dwarfs and end up the rabbits grow into gigantic rabbits?
If you are concerned about having a small bunny, this boy is perfect for you! just look at his size! At 2.5months, he is still so small, he will only grow slightly bigger, ears wont grow very much anymore and his head is growing rounder and bigger even at this ugly stage. He will grow up into a cute little chestnut dwarf (really a dwarf that can still fir into your palm). He is tame and curious, loves to explore but know how to stay still when required. Can be carried and help upside down too!
Very healthy, feeding on pellets and fresh timothy hay and alfalfa hay!
Colour: Chestnut
Sex: Male
Age: 2.5Months
Price: $280neg (U.P. $350)

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